The Brown Bag Diet program is a motivational one that helps dieters have the will to succeed. Since many food products are useful for dieters on their diet regimen, the Brown Bag Diet technique is helpful as an assist to use of these food products.
It's a natural marriage, says a consultant to the Brown Bag Diet program. She gave the example of a breakfast cereal as applying the BBD logo to their boxes of cereal.
Since a sensible diet begins with a proper breakfast a breakfast cereal maker would benefit by displaying the Brown Bag Diet logo on its packaging. The logo alerts potential customers that this food, when eaten in proper portions, will be a good candidate to be approved by their Dr. for dietitian for inclusion in their diet. In fact it's the Brown Bag Diet's "Seal of Approval".
BBD will offer one year free use of our logo for application to food product packaging. Use of this is contingent on being approved by the author of the BBD . For information on receiving the rights to apply the BBD logo to your food product write to: The Brown Bag Diet, c/o Erwin Posner, 28422 Tavistock Tr., Southfield, MI 480134 or send your request to:
This is a limited time offer. Please allow 1o to 14 days for a response.