Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Weight Loss Report - 2 - the Brown Bag Diet

Weight Loss Report - 2 - the Brown Bag Diet

In my last report was on Feb 12Th I weighed in at 185 pounds. The weight is coming off slowly. Today I weighed in at 182 pounds. Although I'd like to show some dramatic results for these ten days, I'm satisfied with a three pound loss. You know that the hardest part is getting started.

As I said last time, my contribution to our economic stimulus is to change our business model from Brown Bag Diet clubs to the Brown Bag Diet Blog. You can get a full refund of any funds you paid to the clubs we were establishing by simply returning to your club facilitator for your refund.

In the last post we discussed setting a goal and keeping your focus on what, when and how you eat. Now we have to turn our attention to how much you eat. Just this week a new medical study reported that over 800 volunteers were put on various diets. Some on low carb, some on low protein as well as other diets. All the volunteers lost weight and it didn't matter what diet they chose. What did matter was how much they ate.

So you see the importance of, "PORTION CONTROL", which is our next watchword. This lesson is simple and short. Stay focused on what you are eating. Keep the watchword, "AWARENESS" always in your mind. Now add the next watchword, "Portion Control", to your list and you will be well on your way to success.

Write me for special tips on how to improve your portion control. Send your email to:

Erwin Posner, R.Ph. at:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

FREE membership in Brown Bag Diet Club


And that's not the only change I'm making. I'm not only writing the material for the club but I'm also joining as an official member dedicated to losing weight.

And I will post my own weight each time as I continue towards my goal weight.

So to start with, today I weigh 185 pounds with a goal weight of 165 pounds.

I don't think it will be easy to lose 20 pounds. I don't think they will just fall off. But I'm starting today and I invite all of you to join me in this effort. Let's begin by setting some short term goals and we can go on from there.

In my case I plan to lose an average of not less than one pound per week. That may seem a small goal especially when you read about all those miracle diets that claim to erase pounds quicker and easier than you can erase a chalk board.
But I'm in it for the long pull and at the end of 20 weeks I hope to look at myself sideways in the mirror and notice a remarkable improvement.

Now that I've set the goal my next step is going to be to plan what I will eat during this dieting period. Notice that I make a point of emphasizing plan. That's because one of the most important slogans in my watchword/slogan system is "Plan Ahead".

When combined with the other most important watchword,
"Portion Control" they form the primary keys to the success of the
"Brown Bag Diet" program. If you already have a favorite diet you can begin immediately with me to plan your next day's menu and prepare yourself to stay within the confines of your portion limitations.

For those of you who have not yet chosen a diet program to follow please send your email to me and I will try to suggest some common standard programs.

Send your email to Erwin Posner at and put menu selection in the subject line of your email.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Easy way to a Bocca Beach Body

Easy way to a Boca Beach Body

Maybe you had a Boca Beach Body and maybe you didn't but one thing is certain. Your "bod" was a lot closer to "Beach Perfect" than it is today. There are lots of ways to find an answer to getting into better shape than you are now but one of the easiest
is to get on board with the Brown Bag Diet program.

The Brown Bag Diet isn't a diet at all. It's a motivational system that helps you stay on any proper diet. It helps you to stay focused on each day's task. It helps you concentrate your power and energy on achieving your short term goals.

Finally when you reach your long term goal you may still not have a "Boca Beach Body" but you'll be a better you. You'll be a sharper looking you. You'll be a more energetic you. And you'll probably be a healthier you.

Want to know how to get started? Send me an email requesting starting material. Don't send money. Just send your request for starting on the "Brown Bag Diet" program to
Erwin Posner, Rph at

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My friends used to call me "fatty"

They used to call me "fatty". Now they no longer call me names like fatty or moon face but they're jealous of my great looks and shape. And one more thing. Since most of my friends have gotten out of shape I help them get back to good looks and make money from them at the same time. It's just poetic justice.

Earn cash while you help others to lose weight

(We are looking for a few good men and women to become leaders, organizers and facilitators of our now forming, Brown Bag Diet Club)

Send your request to sign up as a leader and for more information to:

Erwin Posner

Here’s the scenario: You want to lose weight so you can get a new job but you can’t seem to follow through with tips you’ve been reading. Sure there are laws that say employers can’t discriminate on the basis of weight. But be real. If you compete against 100 or more others you know the overweight persons have the least chance to catch the brass ring. You’re not alone. It just feels that way to you.

But while you’re looking for a new beginning how about helping yourself while you help others to get into better shape, weight wise. After all, if a bunch of reasonably intelligent people who need to become losers (of weight) put their minds together they will achieve success. But to do so they will need a leader, an organizer and a facilitator. And all of these rolled up in one person can be you.

We are looking for a few good men and women to become leaders, organizers and facilitators of our now forming, Brown Bag Diet Club. These new leaders must be at least 20 pounds overweight.

Overweight? Yes. I don’t know about you but I’m sick of watching and listening to skinny models or athletic body builders preach about weight loss. I want a leader who is believable because he or she is going through the same process that I am when I am in the process of losing weight.

Questions & Answers

What makes the Brown Bag Diet Club unique?

The Brown Bag Diet Club will meet once a week to utilize a weekly motivational diet theme derived from material in my book, “The Brown Bag Diet- tips & Clues for dieters from the pharmacist’s notebook”. After the weekly weigh-in, the motivational tips, called “Watchword/Slogans”, will be discussed. Members of the club will be able to use this theme for at least the next week to keep them on track with their diet program.

What will the leader be expected to do?

The leader will recruit members, host the meetings and facilitate the group discussion.

How will I learn the material in order to facilitate the group discussion of the week?

If you are chosen as the leader/facilitator you will receive a weekly email. This will contain a discussion of the watchword/slogan for the week. Some of the most significant points will be summarized for you to print and distribute to the group. Individual members can keep these summaries handy to refer to like flash cards in order to maintain their weight loss program.

What other materials are available from the headquarters of Brown Bag Diet Club?

Leaders will receive links to non-commercial web sites that will be also helpful. These links can be passed out to the group in the course of the weekly discussion.

How much can I earn by participating as a leader in this club?

If you are chosen you will collect a modest fee of $5.00 per week from each participating member. A portion of that fee, approximately $1.50 per member, will be sent to Brown Bag Diet Club headquarters. The rest is yours. Each week you will report the number of members who attended to Club headquarters.

Since we expect each branch of our club to start out with small groups, possibly 4 to 10 members, it wouldn’t be practical to rent space for the weekly meetings. Therefore each leader must have adequate space in their home to accommodate a meeting of this size and must agree to host these meetings.

Will I have any start-up costs?

Yes, a very modest of $150.00. This is your guarantee fee to Brown Bag Diet Club national organization that your branch is serving 10 members for the first 10 weeks. It is non-refundable even if your group does not reach the 10 member size.

If you are chosen to establish a club in your immediate area you will receive start-up documents that represent the agreement between you and The Brown Bag Diet Club national organization. Complete the forms, sign and return to Brown Bag Diet Club headquarters. You must include your start-up fee of $ 150.00.

What does the first $150.00 cover?

This represents the amount of the fee you would be responsible to forward to Club headquarters if you have an attendance of 10 members, who pay you $5.00 each week, for a period of 10 weeks. You will be obligated to send $150.00 at the beginning of each 10 week period, whether you have 10 attendees or not.

What are some of the continuing costs?

At the start of each 10 week period you are responsible for sending the 10 member group guarantee of $150.00. You will be required to report attendance weekly and if your attendance exceeds 10 members you will need to send an additional $1.50 to headquarters for each member in excess of 10. There will be some minimum costs borne by you for printing material on your home computer that will be supplied to you by email from headquarters.

How much can I earn as a leader/facilitator in the Brown Bag Diet Club?

Your earnings are dependant of the number of members who you recruit to join you in this effort to lose weight. Remember, the weekly charge to members is a modest $5.00.
You get to keep $3.50 of this charge. You are responsible to pay a guarantee of $150.00 up-front in each 10 week meeting period. This fee in non- refundable. However it is credited towards the $1.50 fee per member per week required to be sent to headquarters.

If you begin by recruiting only an average of 3 members each week the fees you collect will allow you to break even with your $150.00 up-front fee. From then on you will earn a profit of $ 35.00 per member for each 10 week period.

Note: in the chart below your up front fee of $150.00 is credited towards the amount you will need to send to headquarters.

# of ...Fees you collect Fees you earn....Fees you keep
Members.per week........per week..........per 10 weeks


If I become a leader and my group averages 10 members I would earn a little more than $1,000.00 for a years effort. That’s not much.

True. The charges for membership are small and the profit is likewise modest. To keep costs down all material sent to leaders will be through email. The leader is expected to print it along with supplementary material for distribution to the members of his group.
But everyone wins with this program. You get to help others lose weight while you also lose weight. The benefit to you is more than the modest profit you can earn.

Send your request to sign up as a leader to Erwin Posner at

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Don't miss the chance to become a leader in the Brown Bag Diet Club

Don't miss the chance to become the leader in your area of the Brown Bag Diet Club.

The current ten week period is starting on Thursday, Feb. 19th. To become a leader you must register prior to Feb 16th. Send for your application today to and we will send you the forms you need to apply. Do it ASAP. You can lose weight and you can supplement your income, so act now.

Earn cash while you help others to lose weight

(We are looking for a few good men and women to become leaders, organizers and facilitators of our now forming, Brown Bag Diet Club)

Send your request to sign up as a leader and for more information to:

Erwin Posner

Here’s the scenario: You want to lose weight so you can get a new job but you can’t seem to follow through with tips you’ve been reading. Sure there are laws that say employers can’t discriminate on the basis of weight. But be real. If you compete against 100 or more others you know the overweight persons have the least chance to catch the brass ring. You’re not alone. It just feels that way to you.

But while you’re looking for a new beginning how about helping yourself while you help others to get into better shape, weight wise. After all, if a bunch of reasonably intelligent people who need to become losers (of weight) put their minds together they will achieve success. But to do so they will need a leader, an organizer and a facilitator. And all of these rolled up in one person can be you.

We are looking for a few good men and women to become leaders, organizers and facilitators of our now forming, Brown Bag Diet Club. These new leaders must be at least 20 pounds overweight.

Overweight? Yes. I don’t know about you but I’m sick of watching and listening to skinny models or athletic body builders preach about weight loss. I want a leader who is believable because he or she is going through the same process that I am when I am in the process of losing weight.

Questions & Answers

What makes the Brown Bag Diet Club unique?

The Brown Bag Diet Club will meet once a week to utilize a weekly motivational diet theme derived from material in my book, “The Brown Bag Diet- tips & Clues for dieters from the pharmacist’s notebook”. After the weekly weigh-in, the motivational tips, called “Watchword/Slogans”, will be discussed. Members of the club will be able to use this theme for at least the next week to keep them on track with their diet program.

What will the leader be expected to do?

The leader will recruit members, host the meetings and facilitate the group discussion.

How will I learn the material in order to facilitate the group discussion of the week?

If you are chosen as the leader/facilitator you will receive a weekly email. This will contain a discussion of the watchword/slogan for the week. Some of the most significant points will be summarized for you to print and distribute to the group. Individual members can keep these summaries handy to refer to like flash cards in order to maintain their weight loss program.

What other materials are available from the headquarters of Brown Bag Diet Club?

Leaders will receive links to non-commercial web sites that will be also helpful. These links can be passed out to the group in the course of the weekly discussion.

How much can I earn by participating as a leader in this club?

If you are chosen you will collect a modest fee of $5.00 per week from each participating member. A portion of that fee, approximately $1.50 per member, will be sent to Brown Bag Diet Club headquarters. The rest is yours. Each week you will report the number of members who attended to Club headquarters.

Since we expect each branch of our club to start out with small groups, possibly 4 to 10 members, it wouldn’t be practical to rent space for the weekly meetings. Therefore each leader must have adequate space in their home to accommodate a meeting of this size and must agree to host these meetings.

Will I have any start-up costs?

Yes, a very modest of $150.00. This is your guarantee fee to Brown Bag Diet Club national organization that your branch is serving 10 members for the first 10 weeks. It is non-refundable even if your group does not reach the 10 member size.

If you are chosen to establish a club in your immediate area you will receive start-up documents that represent the agreement between you and The Brown Bag Diet Club national organization. Complete the forms, sign and return to Brown Bag Diet Club headquarters. You must include your start-up fee of $ 150.00.

What does the first $150.00 cover?

This represents the amount of the fee you would be responsible to forward to Club headquarters if you have an attendance of 10 members, who pay you $5.00 each week, for a period of 10 weeks. You will be obligated to send $150.00 at the beginning of each 10 week period, whether you have 10 attendees or not.

What are some of the continuing costs?

At the start of each 10 week period you are responsible for sending the 10 member group guarantee of $150.00. You will be required to report attendance weekly and if your attendance exceeds 10 members you will need to send an additional $1.50 to headquarters for each member in excess of 10. There will be some minimum costs borne by you for printing material on your home computer that will be supplied to you by email from headquarters.

How much can I earn as a leader/facilitator in the Brown Bag Diet Club?

Your earnings are dependant of the number of members who you recruit to join you in this effort to lose weight. Remember, the weekly charge to members is a modest $5.00.
You get to keep $3.50 of this charge. You are responsible to pay a guarantee of $150.00 up-front in each 10 week meeting period. This fee in non- refundable. However it is credited towards the $1.50 fee per member per week required to be sent to headquarters.

If you begin by recruiting only an average of 3 members each week the fees you collect will allow you to break even with your $150.00 up-front fee. From then on you will earn a profit of $ 35.00 per member for each 10 week period.

Note: in the chart below your up front fee of $150.00 is credited towards the amount you will need to send to headquarters.

# of ...Fees you collect Fees you earn....Fees you keep
Members.per week........per week..........per 10 weeks


If I become a leader and my group averages 10 members I would earn a little more than $1,000.00 for a years effort. That’s not much.

True. The charges for membership are small and the profit is likewise modest. To keep costs down all material sent to leaders will be through email. The leader is expected to print it along with supplementary material for distribution to the members of his group.
But everyone wins with this program. You get to help others lose weight while you also lose weight. The benefit to you is more than the modest profit you can earn.

Send your request to sign up as a leader to Erwin Posner at