Sunday, April 5, 2009

I lost three more pounds on the Brown Bag Diet

I lost three more pounds on the Brown Bag Diet. Now I'm at 178.
April 5th 2009

It wasn't easy but I went back to the basics. AWARENESS, PORTION CONTROL & EAT BY THE CLOCK.

As you know, the last time I reported I had slipped off the track and actually gained two pounds. So I went back to the drawing board to find the three principles (Watchword/Slogans) that helped me lose weight as I started this program. It helped me lose the two pounds I had gained plus put another pound into the loss column.

You can see by my slow weight loss that this is not one of those weekend starvation programs. But you can see how plugging at it little by little I'm shedding the pounds. I'm still not slim enough to fit into my old army fatigues. But with an additional five pound loss I should be able to squeeze into them.

So today's watchword/slogan is: KEEP ON PLUGGING. You can reach your goal if you stay with the course.

Of course you can reach me at And if you do write me I'll try to cheer you on so you too can begin or continue your weight loss program.