Monday, November 19, 2007

Can all of us together lose 1 million pounds?

How can a group of people lose 1 million pounds?

My name is Erwin Posner and I’m the author of “The Brown Bag Diet”tips & clues for dieters from the pharmacist’s notebook". I began to compile notes over a period of 15 years about successful dieters who patronized my pharmacy. I put the tips and clues in my book (BBD) and I’d like to share those tips with you in this blog.

I believe in the whole/part method of learning. Successful dieting usually means learning or perhaps unlearning unhealthy habits. Since “the Brown Bag Diet” is a technique rather than a specific diet it requires learning. The best way to learn the technique is to do so bit by bit. You know, baby steps lead to giant ones of progress. That’s why I plan to put a small portion of my book on this blog each week. Each week we can, as they say, get better and better in every way. We can all help one another to reach our goals successfully by joining together on this project.

Before we begin I’d like to share a thought I heard at a recent lecture. That was that the human brain isn’t that much more advanced than some lower animals. So why have humans advanced and our dogs, cats and rabbits are no farther ahead than they were thousands of years ago. Because, the lecturer said, we know how to network our brains. Each generation of humans uses it’s collective brain power in tandem to advance knowledge. The next generation uses the knowledge we developed as a base to advance their knowledge. Our dogs and cats can’t do that.

I can see that you’re asking, “ What does that have do with dieting to lose weight", brown bagging or for that matter the title of this piece, Losing 1 million pounds"? It’s simple. I think we should fortify our effort by networking with 1 million other dieters. You can lose 1 pound in 1 week. One pound isn’t much. It doesn’t take much education or training to figure out how to do this.

I’d like to give you all an assignment before we begin the text of the book. Enlist everyone on all of your email lists to join with us by adding the BrownBagDiet blog link to their bookmarks. Let’s get 1 million people to join us. Then let’s all lose 1 pound together.

That will be a lot of weight to take off our shoulders and a lot of other places.

Let’s give everyone one week to get the word out to their email contacts. Then lets all lose 1 pound in the following week.

I think we can do it. What do you think?

Erwin Posner, R.Ph.

1 comment:

Erwin said...

send this link to those on your email lists: