Sunday, February 10, 2008


This site is full of tips and direct quotes from my book, The Brown Bag Diet- Tips & Clues for dieters from the Pharmacist's notebook. But in addition to tips I've been getting requests free stuff.

Originally I thought getting the tips free instead of buying my book would be stimulus enough for dieters. In other words, I started by offering FREE weight loss tips, directly from the pages of a manual designed as a counselling guide to pharmacists and other allied medical professionals.

That's good, but human nature is bound to get used to that and people ask, "What else can you do for me"? So I scratched my head and thought, you know- that's a good idea. Finding out about nutrition, disease states, and vanity affairs can only go so far.

If the stimulus for losing weight includes free stuff works let's try it. So from now on I'm going to scour the field so I can bring you free stuff along with tips to help you diet to lose weight. So let's give our readers an extra incentive to come back. Next post, in addition to tips, I'll show them where they can get free stuff for dieting. In the meantime lets continue with our tips.

We were discussing the effects of Negative Vibes and how they hurt dieting. Now lets show how positive vibes can help.

When it comes to aattitude it's more than mind over matter. Emotional feelings affect our body chemistry. Body organs react to chemical messengers or mediators. They are called neurotransmitters and three important ones are serotonin, dopamine and nor-epinephrine. Medical science knows a great deal about how these neurotransmitters function. It could be worth spending a few moments talking to your Doctor about this so he or she can put things into the correct perspective for you. You may be asked to help identify those things that trigger your negative or your positive vibes. Don't keep your feelings a secret from your doctor.

Ask to be shown how to handle situations resulting from these triggers causing negative vibes. Ask how to avoid them alltogether. Ask how you can use cool down strategies to relieve tension and frustration. Ask about somatic approaches to relaxation like, deep breathing and muscle relaxation. Finally, ask about cognitive approaches you can use to control your mood.

If appropriate you may be a candidate for antidepressant drugs to elevate your spirits. And elevation of your spirits can be the key to your success.

Remember that positive vibes also use chemical mediation through neurotransmitters. They can enhance your feelings of self worth and make sticking to your diet program eaqsier than you previously thought. Last of all, be patient. Be generous. Be forgiving to yourself. Be a happy dieter and achieve success.

This week I'll be checking for free stuff for you so don't forget to sign in for tips and freebies. As usual I always ask that you forward the address to as many as possible to increase our readership.

I'll be looking for you next week.

Erwin Posner, R.Ph.

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