Monday, June 15, 2009

Sorry for the absence of 2 months but I'm still on track

Sorry for the absence of 2 months but I'm still on track at 176 pounds.

Last time I reported I was at 178 pounds but since that time I had a little mishap. I thought hiking was a good way to get my exercise in and on a hiking trip I suffered a fall. The contusion on the long bone in my leg was severe but I didn't break anything or so they told me at the emergency room I visited. However the pain was getting worse and worse. So ten days later, after I returned home, I went to my Dr. who told me I had several fractures on one foot around my ankles. Fortunately everything remained in line and I avoided the need for surgery. However I spent the next two months in what they called an air boot. This is a device that acts somewhat like a cast but you can remove it to shower and when going to sleep. At any rate two months later my Dr. told me I had good bone formation and discharged me.

What has all this to do with weight loss? Simply put, life is complicated. Although I expected a smooth program for weight reduction this complication got in the way of my concentrating on my task to lose weight. However in the preceding weeks on my diet program I developed pretty good eating habits. During the entire time in which I had the air boot I never once got on the scale. I didn't try to follow my diet but to my surprise during the preceding weeks I had already developed some pretty good eating habits and those good habits paid off.

Although two months passed before I got on the scale again I was surprised to find that I hadn't gained weight. And I'm on the downtrend again with another two pound weight loss.

So what does this prove? It's simple. Good things happen when you develop good habits and bad things continue to happen when you never start or never try to go on a sensible weight loss program. I suppose we could adopt a new watchword/slogan that expresses this idea. That is Good things happen when you try - so keep trying.

You can contact me at or post you comment on this blog.
Good luck.

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