Because it's the method used by some of the most gifted athletes and top notched sales people to help them succeed. Visualizing is a method of preparing yourself for the task. Visualizing is a method of insuring a positive attitude. Visualizing is the first step and makes the second step easier to take.
Before running a race the champion athlete goes over the race. He can see himself getting out of the starting blocks. He can feel the pace at the first turn. He mentally knows how much energy he needs to conserve and expend for each point in the race. The athlete can visualize the win before starting the race.
So can you. Your race is different. ;You're not racing against time. You're not racing to beat anyone else. You're racing to improve yourself. By visualizing each step in your weight loss race you can anticipate your win.
Prepare yourself by visualizing what you will eat for breakfast in the morning. When your actually eat it, you'll find the exercise in visualizing made it more satisfying.
Then visualize the snack allowed by your plan if it's included in your regimen. Continue through your day with lunch and dinner meals, each time making mental pictures before you actually eat them.
Visualize getting on your scale next week and seeing that you've reached the goal you set for the week. You can get on your scale mentally and see the one or two pound difference a week has made. You know you have the power to win and you know you'll get the prize.
Even if you have a setback one week, you can visualize overcoming that. Visualize yourself back on track as your first step back. Then take the second step back to your regimen.
You can do it. You can taste success. It tastes sweet. It feels great. You love it. It's yours.
You win with a slimmer, healthier and better looking you.
Don't forget to send our link to all your friends. We can visualize our success along with yours.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.