Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Mother made me FAT

That could be. But being fat is reversible.

First let's examine the possibilities. Of course there is genetics. Say you have similar bone structures, facial features and you even have the same walk or smile of one of your relatives. Certainly that's genetics. And you say all of these people are fat, so being fat is something I can't control.

Then there are eating habits you learned at your mother's knee or better at the kitchen table.
Have you heard these comments from your Mom?

"Have more, it's cold outside".
"Make all gone - millions are starving". (as if making all gone will stop them from starving)
"You hurt yourself? Have some cookies or other chocolate comfort food."

You know the drill. Blame your genetics. That way you can blame your mother or other relatives. Or blame your Mom for teaching you bad eating habits. The nature and nurture arguments allow you to think, "There's nothing I can do about being overweight".

Friends, that's what they thought in the old days. In the new days we know differently.
So how can you change you ask?

Get on one of the standard diet programs and stick to it. If you choose South Beach, Atkins or Weight Watchers give the program a chance to work for you.

Have you seen all the gyms around town. Get ready to sweat some of the blubber off. The people on the tread mills and bicycles aren't waiting for genetics to do their tricks. They're proactive and active is the operable word.

Caution: Before beginning an exercise program get checked out by a doctor.

Once again I say, "YOU CAN DO IT". Go to a mirror and you shout the watchword/slogan of today's post, "I CAN DO IT".

Pass the good news around so all your friends can join you by shouting

Write me at or
add your comments to the comment window on this blog.

Erwin Posner, R.Ph.

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