Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weight Loss Report -3- the Brown Bag Diet

Weight Loss Report - 3 - the Brown Bag Diet - 180 pounds

Things are slowing down a bit. I had a two pound loss from Feb. 12Th but considering I began at 185 pounds I'm satisfied with my 5 pound loss to date.

Our last watchword was "PORTION CONTROL". That is so important. And so is the next. Remember we started with "PLAN AHEAD". Now we add the watchword, "Eat by the Clock".

When you plan your eating for the day decide when you will eat each meal. If you decide that 12:30 to 1:00 PM is lunchtime don't start cheating by snacking at 12:15. It's a lot easier to refrain from silly eating habits when you know exactly what time your next meal is scheduled.

So keep this watchword handy. It will help you get through the day without breaking down and spoiling your diet plans.

Any questions? Write me, Erwin Posner, at BrownBagDiet@gmail .com

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