Thursday, December 27, 2007


Welcome to newcomers to the Brown Bag Diet blog and welcome back to our regulars.

My name is Erwin Posner, R.Ph. and my blog contains the basics and secrets from my Book, "the Brown Bag Diet -Tips & Clues for Dieters from the Pharmacist's Notebook".

In my last post I said I would discuss the three basic categories of most standard diets but before I do that let me deal with the title of today's post, After Holiday Secrets for Dieting.

With all the travel, rush, and disruption of routine that happens around holiday time it's not difficult to understand why many simply throw their diet regimen to the wind. If you're one of those who was faced with too much to do, too little time to do it, too much travel and every other stress that holiday time brings it's easy to understand why you were overcome by events and circumstances. You felt you were on the way with a good diet program but now you have to lose weight you thought you already lost, over again. It's depressing and you need some secrets to find your way back to the road, the good path.

I'm way ahead of myself and my book because if you started at the beginning of my posts you know we haven't even dealt with how to make a decision about the kind of diet you will choose.

But because of the season I want to give a few pointers for those already on one of the plans.

The secret is obvious. "Don't despair". Guilt won't help. Think positively. Your discretion is past. That's now ancient history. Today is a new day and it's a day for making a new resolution. Most of all you need to say to yourself, "I CAN DO IT". I can be a winner not a whiner. Maybe this isn't a magical secret but if you follow advice of this "Secret" you'll be on your way back to successfully reaching your weight goal. Now let's get on with the description of the elements of the basic diet plans.

Have you made email contacts to help us reach our goal of one million people losing at least one pound between January 1 and January 21? I've been contacting the media so they can help us recruit dieters too. Every participant who loses at least one pound is one-in-a- million, so have everyone join us.

Most diets fall into three basic categories. They are

1. Reduced portion -balanced meal diets

2. High protein - low carbohydrate diets

3. High carbohydrate - low protein diets.<[p>Make no mistake. They ALL rely on reduced caloric intake to achieve their long-term results.

Tomorrow I will review a dozen popular diet programs so you can see how they fit into the above categories.

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