For reference you might go to the News-Line for pharmacists cover story that was done about me and printed in their December 20003 issue.
Last week I promised to conclude the introduction to the BBD and reveal"The Secret of the Brown Bag Diet".
So here goes –
The medical world has come to the conclusion that being overweight is a "distinct disease state". That means that treatment is required for its own sake and not just incidental to other disease states like hypertension and diabetes etc. Of course medical science has a penchant for putting this in non- PC terms so being even 10 % overweight is considered obesity. Unfortunately this can make you feel bad about yourself before you even start to take corrective steps.
Yes, words can hurt. However we all need to recognize that the state of obesity crosses paths with a myriad of other serious disease states. Some of the common ones are hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, respiratory disease and even gout. By returning to and maintaining proper weight levels can help avoid long term negative consequences.
The outlook for those who maintain normal weight compared to being overweight can be the secret for living longer and enjoying a better quality of life. And the economic Impact of an overweight society is enormous. People of normal weight use fewer health services than the overweight. This is being recognized by industry where some companies are reducing the benefits of overweight employees or requiring them to contribute more towards their health benefits than their normal weight colleagues.
I’ve been told by health plans that they, together with their industrial clients, are seeking ways to give incentives to overweight employees to reduce to a normal weight level. They say that if successful these employees will use fewer sick days and lower healthcare costs will result.
I have even been asked if employers can sign their employees up to read this blog. No need to sign up. The blog is free. Each employee can simply be encouraged to sign in and read the info. However I may provide a weekly five-minute test sheet for companies who wish to quiz employees to see if they read the BBD blog regularly.
I didn’t forget my promise to you that I would reveal the Secret this week.
In the hard copy of BBD, revelation of the Secret takes eight pages so I’ll have to reveal it in two or three parts for this online version.
Here is the secret:
The Brown Bag Diet is not a diet.
It’s an eye opening series of watchwords and slogans that makes your diet program work better. To take off weight and keep it off you’ll have to find a way to change your eating behavior. If you find a new approach to view that behavior you’ll find it easier to change. That’s what the Brown Bag Diet can do for you.
If you follow the tips of "The Brown Bag Diet", you’ll lose weight.
Did you ever feel you needed a little push to help start and stay on a diet? Do you want some inspiration? Need some extra motivation? Are you sick of your doctor’s dirty looks? (You know- when he or she doesn’t say anything but you know what your doctor is thinking)
OK. You’re ready.
BBD can help you.
Watch for the next post - "The Secret" – (to be continued) -
Erwin Posner R.Ph.
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