Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Read today's weight loss tip and continue to the Secret of the Brown Bag Diet

Read today's weight loss tip and continue reading to find the "Secret of the Brown Bag Diet" .
Today's simple tip is one word.

That's what made Lou Gehrig great. Consistency is what the BBD program intends to help you learn.

In our last post we all agreed that "You are ready". (to handle the secret of the Brown Bag Diet and be successful using it.)

I noted earlier that for this online version of "BBD" I need to break up the chapters to smaller parts for each posting. Therefore we continue to the "secret revealed".

Watchwords/Slogans form the basis for the tips that lead to success in the "Brown Bag Diet". I tested the tips of the Brown Bag Diet on myself. They worked. Then I invited a small group of fellow workers to try the program. We met every week in the employee lounge of my pharmacy and everyone was successful.

I knew I was on to something when one of the employees told me her fiancee joined her in following the program. She said he had never before been able to eat with reasonable discipline. Now, she said, he follows the watchword "Eat by the clock", religiously and doesn't snack between meals.

The watchwords don't change the fundamentals of dieting. They just sharpen your perception of yourself as you follow your diet program. This new thinking leads you to success.

Some years ago a math teacher had a fresh idea on how to teach math. He called it, "New Math". He reasoned that some students need a different approach in order to understand the way numbers work together.

Thousands of students used this approach and they reached a point where they could say, "Eureka or Ah Ha". "Now I understand it".
That's the point I want followers of the "Brown Bag Diet" to reach. The point where they will feel, "Ah Ha" and react instinctively by eating healthfully, well and feeling satisfied.

When we continue with the "Secrets Revealed", you will learn the NINE Fundamental Precepts of the Secrets.

Don't forget to recruit as many as possible to join with us in our push to lose 1 million pounds. Make some copies of our blog address.

Encourage everyone to join us as you pass our blog address out.
Don't hesitate to comment and let me know how the recruiting is going to find those 1 million people who will join.

Check out our new Brown Bag Diet T shirt with front logo and back message to participate in our 1 million pound march off at:

Want more Brown Bag Diet items? Let me know.
Erwin Posner R.Ph.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erwin -
I like this format. It's easy to read and doesn't seem like it's going to take bunches of time to read it. I just added another person to my water aerobics class who wants to loose weight and I have a few other people that I'm going to send your pg. out again -- especially the ones that participated in L.A.W.

btw- if you want any of my material from that project you are welcome to it. Some of the responses of the people identify the humps they are trying to hurdle. People who have mentioned continuing w/ that project, I'm referring them to you. If they want me to 'chart the progress' again, I'll start it up again.
