Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pain relief for dieters,

We were discussing the pain of dieting, both the pain of resisting urges while staying on your diet and the mental anguish caused by being overweight.

Let's not enumerate the troubles that too many pounds causes. Let's find out what we can do about it.

Our last watchword/slogan was NEGATIVE VIBES HURT/ POSITIVE VIBES HELP>. This is a follow-up to that discussion. It's important to keep that in mind when you go shopping for food or clothes or when you get dressed up for social events. BE POSITIVE.

That doesn't mean buying clothes that are too tight because you are positively going to lose weight so you can fit into them properly. What is does mean is that you have to leave the past in the past.

Yes, your feelings have been hurt because of jokes or turned down for dates or passed over for roles of leadership at work. But the positive part of this is that you can overcome this and start new.

If you lost your leg in a car accident you can't grow a new one. If someone in your family met an untimely death you can't bring them back. But losing weight is an art you can learn to do and it is the art of the POSSIBLE.

By keeping this in mind you can break with the past negatives and start fresh with the current and future positives. It's up to you to get and maintain a positive mental attitude. This will alleviate the guilt and pain you have suffered from so long.

I said I'd look into free stuff for our readers. This week I found that Nutrisystem is offering the following for men. They probably have an equivalent program for women. Look into it. You can find it in the ads on the side of our blog:

Lose weight & you can get 2 WEEKS FREE!*
Guys—it doesn’t get any better than this. Get 2 Free Weeks of food* with this exciting offer from NutriSystem!

Erwin Posner, R.Ph.

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