In my last post we discussed the device that Ben Franklin used to make a decision. I pointed out that it's not enough to come to your decision intellectually. To be successful you need to have an emotional commitment to lose weight. This will give you the power, strength and fortitude you need when dieting times turn a little tough.
Now let's see hour the watchword/slogan system works to keep you on track for the long term on your program. Let me start by giving you one of our primary watchwords -
I gave you this watchword to keep your interest high but I really need to show you how this will help by teaching you the watchword system.
Most segments in this book contain at least one watchword or slogan. These watchwords or slogans represent easy to remember themes that describe a principle or tip or clue. They are something to help you visualize in order to help you stay on track as you follow your diet program.
The watchword
Lack of sensible portion control was illustrated in the movie, "Super-size me" where the main character showed what eating the super size for every meal at a fast food restaurant would do to him. Of course this was an exaggeration but what we now think of as normal portions has escalated. This is very clearly demonstrated on a National Institute of Health site called "Portion Distortion". This is the link to that site quiz: .
Go to the site and take the quiz. I think you'll be amazed by the facts that are demonstrated.
On the next post I will conclude the lesson on Learning the Watchword/Slogan system and we will find out the true value of being alert while we eat
We will also explore who else is running a weight loss challenge programs. One thing we can all agree on is that in North America there is a spirit of competitiveness. We're going to harness that spirit each of us to get into better shape and better health.
We will continue to see who else is challenging us and themselves to lose weight and we'll try to find some programs in your area in order to give you more resources to help you succeed.
Thank you all for recruiting readers for our blog.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
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