Free Weight Loss Program- never a charge to you at the BrownBagDiet.blogspot.com .
There are lots of programs out there and a lot of them bring you in with teasers and trials. It can be worth the money you spend if you lose weight and keep it off. But you can do as well or better with the Brown Bag Diet and it doesn't cost you anything online. At a later date you may wish to buy my book, "The Brown Bag Diet- Tips & Clues from the Pharmacist's Notebook" . At this time we haven't decided what the pre-publication price will be and anyway you can get all the most important information FREE by following this blog. Now we continue with "Learning the Watchword/Slogan system. (To review- the patterns you develop by Practicing this system can result in healthy benefits that can last a lifetime.)
By varying the use of these watchword/slogans, you refresh the images that stimulate you to remain faithful to your diet program. When the old stimulus wanes, using a new watchword/slogan as a stimulus gives you the boost you need to remain constant. Once you know the basics of your diet plan all you need to continue is a little reinforcement. Visualize new watchwords weekly. See how they allow you to conjure up images that convey helpful information. These are the pictures that speak the thousands of words of the chapters. The images themselves describe fundamentals useful to you in following your weight loss program. While there are many watchwords/slogans, you will note that there are only a few basic categories into which they fall. Oftentimes I use one or more watchword/slogan to describe other watchword/slogans. The redundancies are deliberate. A slightly different viewpoint or a new angle on the same subject can give the old subject freshness. And I continue to use the older watchword/slogans in succeeding chapters since they are interrelated. Even if you slip backwards to old bad habits the watchwords and slogans will be reminders and help pull you back to compliance with the program that was designed to help you meet your weight goals. Our online program is growing. To date I've been interviewed by the press and asked to discuss the novel aspects of the online version of Brown Bag Diet. Thank you for your help in publicizing this effort. It looks like we are making the kind of impression I was looking for. I'm sure that together we will be losing lots of weight andwe'll be happy about that.
In the last post I told you I wouldn't keep you waiting and gave you the Watchword <Awareness>.
In the next post I will explore the implications of <awareness> and show you how using this tip will help you. Erwin Posner R.Ph.
I got there lots of helpful content and great information. Thanks a lot for your help.
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