Better yet, IS THERE ANYONE TALKING ABOUT LOSING (WEIGHT THAT IS) WHO ISN'T TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING? I'm not selling anything. Not even my book on weight loss. I'm giving it to you FREE, chapter by chapter, on this blog.
Maybe that's what makes the Brown Bag Diet different. I'm interested in motivating you to WIN at this game of losing weight. That's why I created the watchword/slogan system for the Brown Bag Diet.
Our last watchword slogan was Portion Control.
Now let's look into how this watchword can help you.
Portion control and awareness are probably the two most important practices for successful weight loss programs. After all, you can eat all the right foods but still not have healthy habits. When you eat the proper foods but you eat them in greater quantities than allowed by your plan your body reacts accordingly. The extra protein that your body doesn't need, the extra fat and sweets, the extra cereals and even the extra fruits get stored in your body. And these extra items will be stored as fat.
Calories from sweets and fat pile up fat fastest. There are limits to everything, IE The food pyramid recommends six servings of bread on a normal non-weight loss diet. Adding each extra slice of bread adds to the calorie stores you carry. And these stores eventually become fat.
The best way to learn what portions are proper for you is to select a diet program together with your doctor, dietitian or nutritionist. Then determine what your daily calorie intake should be. Your dietitian can design meals to meet these goals. Your doctor may give you the values of each food to help you pick out the quantity of foods from each food group you need.
In my next post I'll show you how to right size the portions you choose. In the meantime enjoy the games of sport, of chance and start winning at the game of losing weight.
Got friends who need an extra boost to get into shape? Why not help them with what the advertising people call viral advertising. Pass our blog address on to them.
You can help save the world from tipping over due to all those people you know who are overweight just by passing them our blog address. Then they can sign on for tips and clues for dieters just like you do.
After all, even those who don't need to lose weight have friends and relatives that could benefit.
Erwin Posner,
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