It wasn't hard but it wasn't easy either. I was determined I would eat three proper meals today but I would also be careful of the size of the meals (portion control) and I would refrain from snacking. Snacking is a place where I can really break down. But I was determined that at least for today I would keep the handcuffs on so I wouldn't be able to reach into the bag of chips or any other snacks.
You may ask, why start today?
Why not start sometime -
after the holidays
after the wedding
after graduation
after graduation
after vacation
after the prom?
It sounds reasonable to begin a program of weight loss when you don't have to deal with the temptations of holidays or the stress of dealing with new situations. On the other hand:
You are reading this NOW
You are now in the present
You know you should do it
You want to do it
Your motivation is strong.
Should you begin a program when things are whirling about in your life or should you wait until things calm down? There are two ways of looking at this. Before I let another moment go I'm going to cast my vote. I vote for NOW.
Later in this book I'll suggest that stress and uncertainty should be avoided when on a diet, but I think the arguments favoring starting a weight loss program immediately are really potent. Your decision to defer starting for a better time may be valid for you but for me TODAY is great. When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to feel great that I got off to a good start today.
I'm going to succeed. So will you.
(Next post I'm going to show you how one of America's greatest and most respected thinkers was able to make important commitments to programs that would change both his and your life for the better.) Tune in for the next post and keep recruiting followers for our blog:
Erwin H. Posner, R.Ph.
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