Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Brown Bag Diet for Truckers - We feel the pain of long haul driving and know what it does to your weight

"The Brown Bag Diet for Truckers" - We feel the pain of long haul driving and know what it does to your weight.

Hi: I'm Erwin Posner and I'm the author of "The Brown Bag Diet- tips & for dieters from the pharmacist's notebook. I did research to find out what groups would benefit most from the information about losing weight in my book.

I found that many truckers, particularly long haul truckers develop serious weight problems. When you think about truckers you get the mental picture of strong athletic types because you know these guys do lots of heavy physical work. This is true.

What is little known is that it's very difficult for truckers to maintain the discipline needed to keep in shape. Long lonely hours on the road contribute to fatigue. Fatigue contributes to stress. Stress is the cause of much overeating. And finally the choices that are out there on the road often lead a tired, stressed-out trucker to make poor food choices. If you're a trucker or family member of a trucker you know exactly what I mean.

I'm a pharmacist and I've taken care of the medicine needs of many truckers over the course of my career. I think I understand the culture and needs of truckers. That's why I'm making this special offer.

I'm making a FREE offer especially to truckers. Sign onto my blog and read the text and tips of my book, "the Brown Bag Diet- tips & Clues for Dieters from the pharmacist's notebook". I've included information I wrote specifically aimed at truckers. Information I prepared for the hard copy special truckers edition of "the Brown Bag Diet" is found in this online version of the book.

I've seen you and your buddies at the truck stop. Most of you are sadly out of shape. I'll help you get back to where you ought to be.

This blog is online and it's FREE. And YES, you can reach your goals and start working out again on the work-out equipment at the truck stop.

For now you can catch up on the preliminary posts of the BBD.

Next month we begin the 1 million pound push. We're enlisting one million of us to commit to losing one pound in our first week. That will make you and each of us one in as million.

Pass our blog address around and help us recruit one million people so you and each of us can individually be "ONE IN a Million.

Stay tuned to this blog for important solid information about weight loss that you can use.

Erwin Posner, R.Ph.

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