Monday, August 4, 2008
Those of you who read this blog know that the material it contains come from my book, "The Brown Bag Diet - tips & clues for dieters from the Pharmacist's Notebook". The motivational power of this diet book derives from the "Watchword System" and each chapter has a new watchword to stimulate you to stay on your diet.
A revolutionary, but simple, idea is portrayed by each watchword/slogan and the main ideas in these watchword chapters have been boiled down to a few empowering points. These are available as "Flash Cards".
I am now partnering with others to provide these Flash Cards free of charge to you when you order certain services from one the cooperating partners. Since we are still in negotiations I can't tell you who the partners are yet but you can send me a request to reserve the first two flashcards now by simply sending your email request to:
Erwin Posner, R.Ph., at
When the arrangements are complete, you will be one of the first to receive this information to get your first two Flash Cards, FREE.
As usual your comments are always welcome.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Now offering FREE BBD logo licensing for food products used by dieters
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The Bare Naked Lady Diet - works for guys too
(Most of us believe the clothes we wear make us look thinner than we really are)
One of our readers gave me this hint. She says this helped her lose 40 pounds. It can work for you too.
Our correspondent said she was sick of not getting anywhere on her diet. She read the tips & clues in the Brown Bag Diet and they were very good. The only thing was although she kept promising herself to put them into action she never did. Worse than that, her weight just kept climbing up even as she was dreaming of losing weight.
So one day just after she had gotten dressed for work she got an inspiration. What if I took off all my clothes off and checked myself out in the mirror. Clothes have a way of hiding your flaws, she thought. If she checked her body out while she was naked she had no way to hide anything.
She returned to her bedroom, took every thread of clothes off and went to her bath room where she had a full length mirror. The next thing you know she was standing sideways, completely nude, looking at herself in that full length mirror.
I'll pinch myself here or there to see what areas I need to concentrate on for weight loss. At her weight every area had well over a inch to pinch. Her side, tummy, thighs, waist, you name it were ripe for pinching. You name it and she had extra plumpness in that spot.
All of this took place in the morning when her spirits were high. But when she saw her own bare facts in the mirror her spirits declined. However because of the inspiration on that day she determined to work on the extra flab of her waist. This was going to go starting right now.
So from that moment she began using the tips of the Brown Bag Diet and gradually lost weight. After she weighed herself each day she checked her mirror while she was still naked. Finally she got to see a really great shape staring right back at her.
That's what can happen if you face the naked truth and begin to think, I Can Do It. And she did it. You can too.
The facts in the above case history have not yet been verified, however if it worked for her it can work for you too.
Permission is hereby granted to cross post this posting and to send it to everyone who needs to lose weight and to send them our url
Erwin Posner, R.Ph., Author of
the Brown Bag Diet-Tips & Clues for dieters from the pharmacist's notebook.
Monday, March 24, 2008
New Watchword/Slogan today is VISUALIZE
Because it's the method used by some of the most gifted athletes and top notched sales people to help them succeed. Visualizing is a method of preparing yourself for the task. Visualizing is a method of insuring a positive attitude. Visualizing is the first step and makes the second step easier to take.
Before running a race the champion athlete goes over the race. He can see himself getting out of the starting blocks. He can feel the pace at the first turn. He mentally knows how much energy he needs to conserve and expend for each point in the race. The athlete can visualize the win before starting the race.
So can you. Your race is different. ;You're not racing against time. You're not racing to beat anyone else. You're racing to improve yourself. By visualizing each step in your weight loss race you can anticipate your win.
Prepare yourself by visualizing what you will eat for breakfast in the morning. When your actually eat it, you'll find the exercise in visualizing made it more satisfying.
Then visualize the snack allowed by your plan if it's included in your regimen. Continue through your day with lunch and dinner meals, each time making mental pictures before you actually eat them.
Visualize getting on your scale next week and seeing that you've reached the goal you set for the week. You can get on your scale mentally and see the one or two pound difference a week has made. You know you have the power to win and you know you'll get the prize.
Even if you have a setback one week, you can visualize overcoming that. Visualize yourself back on track as your first step back. Then take the second step back to your regimen.
You can do it. You can taste success. It tastes sweet. It feels great. You love it. It's yours.
You win with a slimmer, healthier and better looking you.
Don't forget to send our link to all your friends. We can visualize our success along with yours.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My Mother made me FAT
First let's examine the possibilities. Of course there is genetics. Say you have similar bone structures, facial features and you even have the same walk or smile of one of your relatives. Certainly that's genetics. And you say all of these people are fat, so being fat is something I can't control.
Then there are eating habits you learned at your mother's knee or better at the kitchen table.
Have you heard these comments from your Mom?
"Have more, it's cold outside".
"Make all gone - millions are starving". (as if making all gone will stop them from starving)
"You hurt yourself? Have some cookies or other chocolate comfort food."
You know the drill. Blame your genetics. That way you can blame your mother or other relatives. Or blame your Mom for teaching you bad eating habits. The nature and nurture arguments allow you to think, "There's nothing I can do about being overweight".
Friends, that's what they thought in the old days. In the new days we know differently.
So how can you change you ask?
Get on one of the standard diet programs and stick to it. If you choose South Beach, Atkins or Weight Watchers give the program a chance to work for you.
Have you seen all the gyms around town. Get ready to sweat some of the blubber off. The people on the tread mills and bicycles aren't waiting for genetics to do their tricks. They're proactive and active is the operable word.
Caution: Before beginning an exercise program get checked out by a doctor.
Once again I say, "YOU CAN DO IT". Go to a mirror and you shout the watchword/slogan of today's post, "I CAN DO IT".
Pass the good news around so all your friends can join you by shouting
Write me at or
add your comments to the comment window on this blog.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
America's Best Diet
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Revolutionary Diet Gets Results
Friday, February 22, 2008
Why deny a rat a good, satisfying BURP
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Pain relief for dieters,
Our last watchword/slogan was NEGATIVE VIBES HURT/ POSITIVE VIBES HELP>. This is a follow-up to that discussion. It's important to keep that in mind when you go shopping for food or clothes or when you get dressed up for social events. BE POSITIVE.
That doesn't mean buying clothes that are too tight because you are positively going to lose weight so you can fit into them properly. What is does mean is that you have to leave the past in the past.
Yes, your feelings have been hurt because of jokes or turned down for dates or passed over for roles of leadership at work. But the positive part of this is that you can overcome this and start new.
If you lost your leg in a car accident you can't grow a new one. If someone in your family met an untimely death you can't bring them back. But losing weight is an art you can learn to do and it is the art of the POSSIBLE.
By keeping this in mind you can break with the past negatives and start fresh with the current and future positives. It's up to you to get and maintain a positive mental attitude. This will alleviate the guilt and pain you have suffered from so long.
I said I'd look into free stuff for our readers. This week I found that Nutrisystem is offering the following for men. They probably have an equivalent program for women. Look into it. You can find it in the ads on the side of our blog:
Guys—it doesn’t get any better than this. Get 2 Free Weeks of food* with this exciting offer from NutriSystem!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Don't kid yourself. There is pain when dieting. It follows just like the adage, "No pain - No Gain. But if you understand it you can control it and you can overcome it. Next post we will develop some understanding of THE PAIN OF DIETING.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
This site is full of tips and direct quotes from my book, The Brown Bag Diet- Tips & Clues for dieters from the Pharmacist's notebook. But in addition to tips I've been getting requests free stuff.
Originally I thought getting the tips free instead of buying my book would be stimulus enough for dieters. In other words, I started by offering FREE weight loss tips, directly from the pages of a manual designed as a counselling guide to pharmacists and other allied medical professionals.
If the stimulus for losing weight includes free stuff works let's try it. So from now on I'm going to scour the field so I can bring you free stuff along with tips to help you diet to lose weight. So let's give our readers an extra incentive to come back. Next post, in addition to tips, I'll show them where they can get free stuff for dieting. In the meantime lets continue with our tips.
We were discussing the effects of Negative Vibes and how they hurt dieting. Now lets show how positive vibes can help.
When it comes to aattitude it's more than mind over matter. Emotional feelings affect our body chemistry. Body organs react to chemical messengers or mediators. They are called neurotransmitters and three important ones are serotonin, dopamine and nor-epinephrine. Medical science knows a great deal about how these neurotransmitters function. It could be worth spending a few moments talking to your Doctor about this so he or she can put things into the correct perspective for you. You may be asked to help identify those things that trigger your negative or your positive vibes. Don't keep your feelings a secret from your doctor.
Ask to be shown how to handle situations resulting from these triggers causing negative vibes. Ask how to avoid them alltogether. Ask how you can use cool down strategies to relieve tension and frustration. Ask about somatic approaches to relaxation like, deep breathing and muscle relaxation. Finally, ask about cognitive approaches you can use to control your mood.
If appropriate you may be a candidate for antidepressant drugs to elevate your spirits. And elevation of your spirits can be the key to your success.
Remember that positive vibes also use chemical mediation through neurotransmitters. They can enhance your feelings of self worth and make sticking to your diet program eaqsier than you previously thought. Last of all, be patient. Be generous. Be forgiving to yourself. Be a happy dieter and achieve success.
This week I'll be checking for free stuff for you so don't forget to sign in for tips and freebies. As usual I always ask that you forward the address to as many as possible to increase our readership.
I'll be looking for you next week.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Diets: The Positive & Negative Vibes

Welcome back to the I’ve been on vacation also and I know how difficult it is to stay faithful to your program when you’re out of your natural environment and routine. But while I was away I regenerated some positive vibes and that’s what today’s watchword/slogan lesson is about. Today’s watchword/slogan is Negative Vibes Hurt – Positive Vibes Help.
A large component of successful dieting is attitude. I don’t need to tell you that negative vibes make you feel badly. They reduce your feelings of self worth, cause despair, despondency, and depression and lower your willpower to stay with your diet program. It’s easy for me to say just be positive. Let me put it another way. Remove despair and despondency from your vocabulary. They can hurt your chances for successfully reaching your goal.
Nancy Reagan said it when she talked about drugs. “Just say no”, she said. Some are able to follow that advice but most need to find techniques to bolster their resolve and prop up their
willpower to find success.
If you’re just down on yourself because you haven’t yet come close to reaching your weight goals, start thinking positively and DON’T GIVE UP. Don’t get angry. Don’t turn your anger against yourself. Talk to yourself and GET OVER IT.
If you’re having trouble getting started or staying with a weight loss program because of negative feelings, don’t keep it to yourself. Talk to your doctor. Your doctor will measure your symptoms of depression and determine if they have reached levels beyond your ability to cope. There are treatments, both pharmacological and psychological for this.
Next post I will continue developing the subject of how Negative and Positive vibes affect your efforts to lose weight and how you can overcome the obstacles these things present.
I know the information here is useful as we are being quoted in many forums and on many blogs. Your feedback is welcome. Please continue to quote the blog and forward our address to your contacts, forums or internet groups.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Are you ready to combat Super Bowl diet temptations?
That's simple. Super Bowl and snack time go together. And for most people that means all the rules you've set for yourself are "Out the Window".
But you don't need go out of bounds just because your Super Bowl party has chips, dips, beer and other party beverages.
Guess what you can eat and still join in the fun of the party? You can eat and drink plenty. It just takes some planning ahead.
Just like with most planning, winning at your diet game is mostly a mental exercise. Like Yogi Berra used to say, "80% of the game is 90% mental".
It's not a process requiring trips to the health food store or picking a batch of extra watercress. You can host a party or go to your friends party and still have fun, enjoy the refreshments and stay close to your diet program. During this "party period" you may not lose weight but you won't gain any substantial weight either.
Keep it simple. Go for the low fat and low fat snacks. Try pretzels. Most parties have them. That doesn't mean you can keep dipping your hand continuously into the pretzel bowl. If you can make a snack bag for yourself you can put a measured amount of pretzels (100 to 200 calories worth) and ration them for the length of the game.
If you divide your "authorized snack" into two bags you can save one for the second half. You'll be surprised how having your own bag of an "authorized snack" will give you the will power to withstand eating too much or eating the wrong food or even eating at inappropriate times.
It's like setting any other kind of goal. In this case goal is making one snack pack last for an entire half. For your party beverages choose no-cal soda or water.
And you can yell and scream and cheer your team like everyone. Best of all water does the same thing as beer. It makes you go to the bathroom a-lot. You can get bottled with a hint of a variety of flavors and some even come with vitamins. The real physical specimens, the workout freaks, the muscle guys drink water with vitamins. Why would you want to drink anything else? Of course if you're a fan of diet cola or other diet soft drinks they work too.
So don't choose the chips, the french Fry's and those high fat sour cream dips. Sure pretzels have lots of salt. But if you can handle that they can be a low fat alternative to all the other things you might choose.
If you have a double chin now you don't need to try for a triple one just because of the Super Bowl. If you already have a beer belly you don't need to try for a double one at the tail gate party.
These are a few tips you can use to prepare yourself for the upcoming super-bowl parties.
Pass these tips out to your friends. Send us some of your own tips. Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Winning in the Losing Game of Weight Loss
Better yet, IS THERE ANYONE TALKING ABOUT LOSING (WEIGHT THAT IS) WHO ISN'T TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING? I'm not selling anything. Not even my book on weight loss. I'm giving it to you FREE, chapter by chapter, on this blog.
Maybe that's what makes the Brown Bag Diet different. I'm interested in motivating you to WIN at this game of losing weight. That's why I created the watchword/slogan system for the Brown Bag Diet.
Our last watchword slogan was Portion Control.
Now let's look into how this watchword can help you.
Portion control and awareness are probably the two most important practices for successful weight loss programs. After all, you can eat all the right foods but still not have healthy habits. When you eat the proper foods but you eat them in greater quantities than allowed by your plan your body reacts accordingly. The extra protein that your body doesn't need, the extra fat and sweets, the extra cereals and even the extra fruits get stored in your body. And these extra items will be stored as fat.
Calories from sweets and fat pile up fat fastest. There are limits to everything, IE The food pyramid recommends six servings of bread on a normal non-weight loss diet. Adding each extra slice of bread adds to the calorie stores you carry. And these stores eventually become fat.
The best way to learn what portions are proper for you is to select a diet program together with your doctor, dietitian or nutritionist. Then determine what your daily calorie intake should be. Your dietitian can design meals to meet these goals. Your doctor may give you the values of each food to help you pick out the quantity of foods from each food group you need.
In my next post I'll show you how to right size the portions you choose. In the meantime enjoy the games of sport, of chance and start winning at the game of losing weight.
Got friends who need an extra boost to get into shape? Why not help them with what the advertising people call viral advertising. Pass our blog address on to them.
You can help save the world from tipping over due to all those people you know who are overweight just by passing them our blog address. Then they can sign on for tips and clues for dieters just like you do.
After all, even those who don't need to lose weight have friends and relatives that could benefit.
Erwin Posner,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Don't blame your mother if you're fat- You can lose weight regardless of your genes.
and you can start now by getting on a diet program. Once you get on a program you can use the watchwords I post to help you stay with it. The last watchword/slogan was AWARENESS. Our next watchword/slogan is
PORTION CONTROLI'll talk about how to beat the comfort food habit later. For now lets be AWARE and watch our portions.
I'll develop the portion control concept in the next post and you will see how you can harness the power of this concept to help you succeed. But now I want to respond to several requests.
Many have asked for a sample menu. They wanted something to give them an idea of what they have to do in order to get going towards their goal. So I searched the government sources and found a neat sample you can use and I'm posting it below. For fun I chose a Southern Style menu. It is for a 1600 calorie daily diet. You might prefer the 1200 calorie daily diet. They can both be found at
Milk 1%, low fat 1/2 cup
English Muffin 1 medium
Cream Cheese, light, 18% fat T
Orange Juice 3/4 cup
Coffee 1 cup
Milk 1%, low fat 1 oz
Baked Chicken, without skin 2 oz
Vegetable Oil 1 tsp
Lettuce 1/2 cup
Tomato 1/2 cup
Cucumber 1/2 cup
Oil and Vinegar Dressing 2 tsp
White Rice, seasoned with margarine, diet 1/3 cup
Baking Powder Biscuit, prepared with vegetable oil 1 small
Margarine 1/2 tsp
Water 1 cup
Lean Roast Beef 3 oz
Onion 1/4 cup
Beef Gravy, water-based 1 T
Turnip Greens, seasoned with 1/2 cup
margarine, diet 1/2 tsp
Sweet Potato, baked 1 small
Margarine, diet 1/2 tsp
Ground Cinnamon 1 tsp
Brown Sugar 1 tsp
Cornbread prepared with margarine, diet 1/2 medium slice
Honeydew Melon 1/4 medium
Iced Tea, sweetened with sugar 1 cup
Mozzarella Cheese, part-skim, low-sodium 1 oz
Calories: 1,653
Total Carb, % kcals:53
Total Fat, % kcals:28
*Sodium, mg:1,231
SFA, % kcals:8
Cholesterol, mg:172
Protein, % kcals:20
1,600: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 97%, Magnesium 98%, Iron 78%, Zinc 90%1,200: 100% RDA met for all nutrients except: Vit E 82%, Vit B1 & B2 95%, Vit B3 99%, Vit B6 88%, Magnesium 83%, Iron 56%, Zinc 70%* No salt added in recipe preparation or as seasoning. Consume at least 32 oz. water.
Your Mayor Wants You and everyone who is overweight in his City To Lose 1 Million Pounds. Did you find your Mayor and Your City?
Your Mayor Wants You and everyone who is overweight in his City To Lose 1 Million Pounds. Did you find your Mayor and Your City? Did you find your city and your Mayor in the links posted previously? If you didn't find your Mayor, call his or her office and tell them about the Mayor's Weight loss Challenge. Your city can get in the game like all the other great Cities are.
Here are the links that I posted earlier.
More than 2,600 people registered in Oklahoma City mayor's weight loss campaign. See links below.
New Haven
Greensboro, NC
New Haven, CT
Springfield, OR
Des Moines, IO
Mobile, AL
Savannah, GA
Scarsdale, NY
Get your City with the program. You're on it so get your cousins, your neighbors, and everyone in town into the game. This is the game where everyone can be a winner
Join now. Be a brown bag dieter. BE A PROUD BROWN BAG DIETER.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Special to Truckers and others. Find the Mayor of your city with a diet program
Find the Mayor of your City and see if he or she is sponsoring a weight loss program.
This may surprise most of you because truckers, especially long haul truckers, have a macho image of being fit, trim and athletic. Indeed, truckers are all of those things but as time goes on many get out of shape. Lots of factors enter into it amongst which are stress, long lonely hours behind the wheel, stops where food choices aren't the healthiest and being tired after a strenuous long day of driving and delivering heavy loads.
That's why I have been preparing a special Trucker's Edition of "The Brown Bag Diet - " Tips & Clues from the Pharmacist's Notebook". I will put that edition on a special blog for truckers only if I receive enough interest for me to work on another blog.
If you are interested or if a friend or family member is a trucker and would benefit from this material please have them contact me by email at and let me know that they would like to have a special trucker's edition for the blog.
Remember, there is no charge to sign in and learn the techniques of the Brown Bag Diet. If there are enough requests I'll be glad to oblige.
Other news: A search of the internet reveals that the Mayors of many cities have also joined us in challenging their constituents to join a weight loss program and get into better shape physically. Some of them began their challenges before Jan 1 this year and others just signed on. You might like to see if the mayor of your city is one of them. If not, contact them and let them know that they can recommend our blog as a free site where their constituents can get tips and clues to help then achieve weight loss. Some of the links to challenge programs recommended by many mayors are below. More than 2,600 people registered in Oklahoma City mayor's weight loss campaign. See links below.
Greensboro, NC
New Haven, CT
Springfield, OR
Des Moines, IO
Mobile, AL
Savannah, GA
Scarsdale, NY
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
New information from the Weight Control Information Network
Have you started the Brown Bag Diet method without choosing a diet plan yet? If so I recommend you read the following information from the NIH (Weight Control Information Network -WIN).
Choosing a weight-loss program may be a difficult task. You may not know what to look for in a weight-loss program or what questions to ask. This fact sheet can help you talk to your health care professional about weight loss and get the best information before choosing a program.
Talk With Your Health Care Professional
If your health care provider tells you that you should lose weight and you want to find a weight-loss program to help you, look for one that is based on regular physical activity and an eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and easy to follow.
You may want to talk with your doctor or other health care professional about controlling your weight before you decide on a weight-loss program. Even if you feel uncomfortable talking about your weight with your doctor, remember that he or she is there to help you improve your health.
Here are some tips:
Tell your provider that you would like to talk about your weight. Share your concerns about any medical conditions you have or medicines you are taking.
Write down your questions in advance.
Bring pen and paper to take notes.
Bring a friend or family member along for support if this will make you feel more comfortable.
Make sure you understand what your health care provider is saying. Ask questions if there is something you do not understand.
Ask for other sources of information like brochures or websites.
If you want more support, ask for a referral to a registered dietitian, a support group, or a commercial weight-loss program.
Call your provider after your visit if you have more questions or need help.
Ask Questions
Find out as much as you can about your health needs before joining a weight-loss program. Here are some questions you might want to ask your health care provider:
About Your Weight
1. Do I need to lose weight? Or should I just avoid gaining more?
2. Is my weight affecting my health?
3. Could my excess weight be caused by a medical condition such as hypothyroidism or by a medicine I am taking? (Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, a condition that can slow your metabolism—how your body creates and uses energy.)
About Weight Loss
1. What should my weight-loss goal be?
2. How will losing weight help me? About Nutrition and Physical Activity
3. How should I change my eating habits?
4. What kinds of physical activity can I do?
5. How much physical activity do I need? About Treatment
6. Should I take weight-loss medicine?
7. What about weight-loss surgery?
8. Could a weight-loss program help me?
A Responsible and Safe Weight-loss Program
Weight-loss programs should encourage healthy behaviors that help you lose weight and that you can stick with every day. Safe and effective weight-loss programs should include:
Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not forbid specific foods or food groups.
Tips to increase moderate-intensity physical activity.
Tips on healthy behavior changes that also keep your cultural needs in mind.
Slow and steady weight loss. Depending on your starting weight, experts recommend losing weight at a rate of 1/2 to 2 lbs per week. Weight loss may be faster at the start of a program.
Medical care if you are planning to lose weight by following a special formula diet, such as a very low-calorie diet.
A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it.
Get Familiar With the Program
Gather as much information as you can before deciding to join a program.
Professionals working for weight-loss programs should be able to answer the questions listed below.
1. What does the weight-loss program consist of?
2. Does the program offer one-on-one counseling or group classes?
3. Do you have to follow a specific meal plan or keep food records?
4. Do you have to purchase special food, drugs, or supplements?
5. Does the program help you be more physically active, follow a specific physical activity plan, or provide exercise instruction?
6. Does the program teach you to make positive and healthy behavior changes?
7. Is the program sensitive to your lifestyle and cultural needs? What are the staff qualifications?
8. Who supervises the program?
9. What type of weight management training, experience, education, and certifications do the staff have? Does the product or program carry any risks?
10.Could the program hurt you?
11.Could the recommended drugs or supplements harm your health?
12.Do participants talk with a doctor?
13.Does a doctor run the program?
14.Will the program’s doctors work with your personal doctor if you have a medical condition such as high blood presure or are taking prescribed drugs?
15.How much does the program cost?
16.What is the total cost of the program?
17.Are there other costs, such as weekly attendance fees, food and supplement purchases, etc.?
18.Are there fees for a follow-up program after you lose weight?
19.Are there other fees for medical tests? What results do participants typically have?
20.How much weight does an average participant lose and how long does he or she keep the weight off?
21.Does the program offer publications or materials that describe what results participants typically have?
If you are interested in finding a weight-loss program near you, ask your health care provider for a referral or contact your local hospital.For additional, general information, contact:
Weight-control Information Network (WIN)1 WIN WayBethesda, MD 20892-3665Phone: (202) 828-1025Toll-free number: 1-877-946-4627FAX: (202) 828-1028Email:
Additional Resources
Federal Trade CommissionConsumer Response Center600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20580Phone: (202) FTC-HELP (382-4357)Toll-free number: 1-877-382-4357Internet:
For the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) publication Weight Loss: Finding a Weight Loss Program that Works for You, go to
For the FTC publication Weighing the Evidence in Diet Ads, go to
International Food Information Council Foundation1100 Connecticut Avenue, NWSuite 430Washington, DC 20036Phone: (202) 296-6540Internet:
Weight-control Information Network
1 WIN WAYBethesda, MD 20892-3665Phone: (202) 828-1025Toll-free number: 1-877-946-4627FAX: (202) 828-1028Email: WIN@info.niddk.nih.govInternet:
The Weight-control Information Network (WIN) is a national information service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is the Federal Government’s lead agency responsible for biomedical research on nutrition and obesity. Authorized by Congress (Public Law 103-43), WIN provides the general public, health professionals, the media, and Congress with up-to-date, science-based health information on weight control, obesity, physical activity, and related nutritional issues. Publications produced by WIN are reviewed by both NIDDK scientists and outside experts. This fact sheet was also reviewed by Susan Z. Yanovski, M.D., Director, Obesity and Eating Disorders Program and Co-Director, Office of Obesity Research, NIDDK.
This publication is not copyrighted. WIN encourages users of this fact sheet to duplicate and distribute as many copies as desired.
NIH Publication No. 03-3700May 2003Revised February 2006
Contact Us
Toll free: 1-877-946-4627 Fax: (202) 828-1028 E-mail: win@info.niddk.nih.govWeight-control Information Network, 1 WIN Way, Bethesda, MD 20892-3665nformation from
Next post will have special information for truckers on fitness and fit weight. Tell your trucker friends to watch for it.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Brown Bag Diet is in the news - See what they're saying
Friday, January 11, 2008
Hear of the discovery of thef FAT virus? (virus not genes causes overeating)
It would be nice if we could blame a virus for our eating habits. Then the pharmaceutical companies could work overtime to discover an anti- viral drug to combat the problem. While there is no such thing as a fat virus it wouldn't be a bad idea to assume there is. That way we could blame the virus and lose the guilt connected to overeating. We could take countermeasures in a rational and unemotional way. That would make things easier.
And what are the best countermeasure you ask? It's simple. The best countermeasure is to follow the principles of the Brown Bag Diet and watch the weight fall off. It's not a miracle. It's just plain good sense and solid advice, like following the watchword-
I told you I would help you heighten your awareness and here's a few pointers.
First, remember it's OK to like food. Love it if you will, but be aware of your limits. Since you've already selected one of the diet programs to follow, it's time for you to study how much of each food group you're allowed under your plan. To see how much is allowed start measuring.
Check all the items of each food group your meal budget allows. Weigh, measure or count the number of ounces or slices etc. to precisely determine what your program allows. Be alert to evaluate your intake.
As the day progresses be aware of what, where, when and how much you've eaten. You'll need to be able to make a mental calculation of how much of each of these types of foods you have left to eat on you today's food budget.
Your heightened awareness will make it easier for you to handle your daily food temptations. Awareness is one of the most fundamental and important watchwords in this book.
Our program is getting attention from the press. I had a newspaper interview last week and on my next post I should be able to give you the web site for the news story on the Brown Bag Diet program.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
S.I. Swim Suit body diet? Mr. America Build diet? - Does BBD promise this?
If you're overweight but you have the makings for a swimsuit model figure or a Mr. Muscles then the Brown Bag Diet can help you get back to your- magazine star- body looks. But most of us are happy just returning to our normal weight level. We're not seeking the body of a glamorous star. We want to be, like the motto says, "All that we can be". Why be anything less? Are you with me on this?
In my last post I discussed Learning the Watchword/Slogan system and I gave you the watchword AWARENESS. Now let's develop this.
In the course of normal activity we do most mundane acts in a rather routine way. That's probably true of eating as well. It's habitual. It's done with a minimum amount of thinking. It's almost mindless. We need to eat but we don't even know what we've eaten at our previous meal. In fact, exactly what, how much, when and where we've eaten has become fuzzy in our memory. We simply don't give it much thought. It has become so automatic for us to eat that our health may be at risk, our social life endangered and we just plain feel unwell (lousy). Our only saving grace is that we recognize that we have to unlearn the bad habits that got us to this point of being out of shape.
Because of lack of awareness we've lapsed into a process of over feeding ourselves. It's not that we engage in binge eating or have a regular "Feeding Frenzy". You see how lack of awareness has contributed to your current out of shape condition.
In my next post I'll continue by showing what you can do to heighten your awareness and reduce your temptation to over eat. In the meantime let me know what plan you chose and if you have started on it already. By the way, how are you doing?
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Free Weight Loss Program- never a charge to you at
While there are many watchwords/slogans, you will note that there are only a few basic categories into which they fall. Oftentimes I use one or more watchword/slogan to describe other watchword/slogans. The redundancies are deliberate. A slightly different viewpoint or a new angle on the same subject can give the old subject freshness. And I continue to use the older watchword/slogans in succeeding chapters since they are interrelated. Even if you slip backwards to old bad habits the watchwords and slogans will be reminders and help pull you back to compliance with the program that was designed to help you meet your weight goals. Our online program is growing. To date I've been interviewed by the press and asked to discuss the novel aspects of the online version of Brown Bag Diet. Thank you for your help in publicizing this effort. It looks like we are making the kind of impression I was looking for. I'm sure that together we will be losing lots of weight andwe'll be happy about that.
In the last post I told you I wouldn't keep you waiting and gave you the Watchword
In the next post I will explore the implications of <awareness> and show you how using this tip will help you. Erwin Posner R.Ph.
Monday, January 7, 2008
If you like Atkins diet you'll LOVE the BROWN BAG DIET
If you like the Atkins diet you'll LOVE the BROWN BAG DIET tips and clues.
Check out our posts because they are full of tips & clues to keep you on your Atkins or most any other diet program.
I wrote the book, "The BROWN BAG DIET - tips & clues from the pharmacist's notebook. I'm Erwin Posner and I am putting the most meaningful parts of my book on this blog so you can have an assist to be motivated to stay on Atkins or most any other standard diet you choose. Check my postings. It's free to you and great for your looks and health.
Do you have friends who need some extra motivation? Send them our blog address.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
According to the Tuscaloosa News the Alabama Hospital Association and the Alabama State Department of Health also has a weight loss challenge
In my last post we discussed the device that Ben Franklin used to make a decision. I pointed out that it's not enough to come to your decision intellectually. To be successful you need to have an emotional commitment to lose weight. This will give you the power, strength and fortitude you need when dieting times turn a little tough.
Now let's see hour the watchword/slogan system works to keep you on track for the long term on your program. Let me start by giving you one of our primary watchwords -
I gave you this watchword to keep your interest high but I really need to show you how this will help by teaching you the watchword system.
Most segments in this book contain at least one watchword or slogan. These watchwords or slogans represent easy to remember themes that describe a principle or tip or clue. They are something to help you visualize in order to help you stay on track as you follow your diet program.
The watchword
Lack of sensible portion control was illustrated in the movie, "Super-size me" where the main character showed what eating the super size for every meal at a fast food restaurant would do to him. Of course this was an exaggeration but what we now think of as normal portions has escalated. This is very clearly demonstrated on a National Institute of Health site called "Portion Distortion". This is the link to that site quiz: .
Go to the site and take the quiz. I think you'll be amazed by the facts that are demonstrated.
On the next post I will conclude the lesson on Learning the Watchword/Slogan system and we will find out the true value of being alert while we eat
We will also explore who else is running a weight loss challenge programs. One thing we can all agree on is that in North America there is a spirit of competitiveness. We're going to harness that spirit each of us to get into better shape and better health.
We will continue to see who else is challenging us and themselves to lose weight and we'll try to find some programs in your area in order to give you more resources to help you succeed.
Thank you all for recruiting readers for our blog.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Another 1 million pound challenge - from Oklahoma City, OK. We'll join together with you and up the challenge to 2 million pounds.
The Associated Press says, "(Mayor) Mick Cornett has challenged the city (Oklahoma City, OK), to shed 1 million pounds as its New Year's resolution". Mayor Cornett said, "It's always easier if you're doing something hard if you have other people to do it with". That's what I've been saying on this blog. But I go one step further. I offer the tips & clues to help you get to your goal.
So let's continue with the Brown Bag Diet methodology. So far we have discussed the theory, told the secret and reviewed some popular weight loss programs. You started on your program either at once or as soon as possible and we all decided to take up the challenge to lose at least one pound (for a total challenge of 1 million pounds- now raised to 2 million) .
Now we are going to see our first WATCHWORD which is MAKING A COMMITMENT.
We began with the hard part. Even though you understand where you are in this process you probably still need help. Intellectually you started. But emotionally you to need to convince yourself that this time your efforts will result in reaching your long term weight loss goal and keeping those pounds off.
Here's a tip developed by Benjamin Franklin who was not only one of our founding fathers but also America's first self made millionaire. Yes, he was smart.
When Franklin was faced with a difficult decision he resorted to his "Franklin Decision-Maker".
He took a blank piece of paper and drew a vertical line down the middle. He put all the positives on the left, the negatives on the right. This way he could visualize the facts he needed to make a decision. Of course you already know you need to diet and you know most of the important reasons but because of human nature we all need to absorb those facts internally to satisfy our emotions.
To help get to the commitment stage of your decision to get your weight under control, try this exercise. Draw a line down a piece of blank paper. Put all the reasons for starting a weight loss program on the left. Put the reasons for not starting on the right. You'll be able to visualize the arguments for and against making a commitment to get yourself in shape. I'll give you a start.
(Instead of right & left here I'll state the positives first, followed by the negatives)
(helps you decide to make the commitment)
1. Fit in my clothes next season
2. Improve my health
3. Improve my looks
4. Improve my confidence
5. Help me get a promotion
6. Make me a chick/boy magnet
(add your own reasons)
1. It's not easy
2. I enjoy good food too much
3. I'm not too fat- I'm under tall
4. I enjoy painful knees and hips
5. All my friends are fat
6. I like the sound of heavy breathing
when I go up stairs.
Add you own reasons.
OK Brown Baggers. Let's welcome the mayor of Oklahoma City and all his fellow Oklahoma Cityians. We're glad to have you aboard. I hope reading this blog will help you have an easier time reaching your goals. Together we can lose at least a 2 million or maybe even 3 million pounds. That's a lot of improvement in the health of a great number of people.
Next post I will continue with the watchword system and give the two most important watchwords of Brown Bag Dieting.
Continue recruiting so we can reach our weight loss goals together. Pass the link to all you contacts.
Erwin Posner, R.Ph.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
It wasn't hard but it wasn't easy either. I was determined I would eat three proper meals today but I would also be careful of the size of the meals (portion control) and I would refrain from snacking. Snacking is a place where I can really break down. But I was determined that at least for today I would keep the handcuffs on so I wouldn't be able to reach into the bag of chips or any other snacks.
You may ask, why start today?
Why not start sometime -
after the holidays
after the wedding
after graduation
after graduation
after vacation
after the prom?
It sounds reasonable to begin a program of weight loss when you don't have to deal with the temptations of holidays or the stress of dealing with new situations. On the other hand:
You are reading this NOW
You are now in the present
You know you should do it
You want to do it
Your motivation is strong.
Should you begin a program when things are whirling about in your life or should you wait until things calm down? There are two ways of looking at this. Before I let another moment go I'm going to cast my vote. I vote for NOW.
Later in this book I'll suggest that stress and uncertainty should be avoided when on a diet, but I think the arguments favoring starting a weight loss program immediately are really potent. Your decision to defer starting for a better time may be valid for you but for me TODAY is great. When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to feel great that I got off to a good start today.
I'm going to succeed. So will you.
(Next post I'm going to show you how one of America's greatest and most respected thinkers was able to make important commitments to programs that would change both his and your life for the better.) Tune in for the next post and keep recruiting followers for our blog:
Erwin H. Posner, R.Ph.